Setting and Achieving Goals Emails Series
Set Your Goals and Make Them Happen
As driven individuals, we set goals for everything. We set them for our careers, our health, and our lives in general. Having goals and working to reach them gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go, and gets us interested and engaged, all of which are crucial for our overall happiness.
Goals both big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life and the way we set them makes a huge difference as to whether we achieve them or not. Setting a goal is the easy part. The action required to move through and finish each task along the way involves work and planning.
During this email series, I’ll offer you the tools you need to set specific, measurable goals, set up reward systems that will help you stay motivated, as well as create a game plan that works for you.
If you’re struggling to follow through with your goals or you could use a little help making your goals more achievable, don’t miss out on this opportunity to opt-in to my Email Series!
Meet Marcia Woon Choy, The Creator of The Setting and Achieving Goals Email Series!
Coach Marcia Woon Choy is a Certified Business COACH and is the CEO of ActionCOACH Jamaica Firm represented by MWC Associates Ltd. which she founded in 2007. She is passionate about her firm's Vision of Jamaica Abundance through Business Re-education, Leadership Transformation and Team Engagement. She has coached hundreds of business owners in Jamaica to success and man y of her firm's client have received awards for their performance and achievements on the international stage. She is a MasterCOACH and is committed to the success of her clients and her team.
Hosted by:
Marcia Woon Choy
Know The Process, Trust The Process
In my field of work, we talk a lot about “the journey” and “the process,” which is a helpful way to reference and acknowledge that there is a long road between setting a goal and achieving a goal - no matter what that goal is.
My intent for this series is to help you stay focused and energized about whatever intention you’re trying to attain by teaching you the proper way to set a goal and make it stick. To reach your goal, you need to have a plan, follow that plan, and trust that it will lead you to where you want to be.
One of the most important things that I want to impart on you during this email series is that setbacks are normal. Everyone experiences them at one time, and I want you to be prepared to address and move past them quickly and efficiently.
Let’s Get Started On Your Goal!